
Flowers Name in Hindi And English (100+ फूल के नाम)

Flowers Name in Hindi & English (100+ फूल के नाम) Variety species of flowers name with pictures help you learn & increase your knowledge. Flowers name (फूल के नाम) is easy to help to understand the name in easy ways.

Flowers play an essential role play in our life Flowers Smell & beauty relax our mind feel very good & energetic through flowers. Flowers are used in many different types of medicine. Our world has 400,000+ varieties of different kinds of flower species. All queries like 5,10,15,20 flowers names are Solved in this article if you want more information about flower parts.

Phoolon ke Naam list pdf with the picture is also Provide then you want then don’t miss them, and the youtube video also provides help to pronounce names in audio-video format.

Flowers Name

1.red rose flowerRoseगुलाब
2.lotus flowerLotusकमल
3.jasmine flowerJasmineचमेली 
5.daisy flowerDaisyगुलबहार
6.Tulip FlowerTulipकन्द पुष्प
7.magnolia flower Magnoliaचम्पा
8.Lavender flowerLavenderलैवेंडर 
9.balsam flowerBalsamगुल मेहँदी
10.Flax flowerFlaxपटसन
11.butterfly pea flowerButterfly Peaअपराजिता
12.Crossandra flowerCrossandraअबोली
13.Golden Shower flowerGolden Showerअमलतास
14.Forest Ghost FlowerForest Ghost
आँकुरी बाँकुरी
15.yellow marigold flowerYellow Marigoldगेंदे का फूल
16.Pot MarigoldPot Marigoldगुले अशर्फ़ी
17.Star JasmineStar Jasmineकुंद पुष्प
18.Night Blooming Jasmine flowerNight Blooming Jasmineरात की रानी
19.Jasminum Sambac flowerJasminum Sambacमोगरा
20.Crape Jasmine flowerCrape Jasmineचांदनी फूल
21.White Frangipani flowerWhite Frangipaniगुलैन्ची
22.hibiscus flowerHibiscusगुड़हल का फूल
23.Peacock FlowerPeacock Flowerगुलेतूरा फूल
24.daisy flowerDaisyगुलबहार का फूल
25.Scarlet MilkweedScarlet Milkweedकाकतुण्डी
26.Black Turmeric FlowerBlack Turmericकाली हल्दी
27.Cobra Saffron flowerCobra Saffronनाग चम्पा
28.yellow OleanderYellow Oleanderपीला कनेर
Chandramallika flowerChandramallikaचंद्रमल्लिका
30.Periwinkle flowerPeriwinkleसदाबहार
31.Puncture VinePuncture Vineगोखरू
32.Blue Water Lily flowerBlue Water Lilyनीलकमल
33.Aloe Vera FlowerAloe Vera Flowerघृत कुमारी
35.Chamomile flowerChamomileबबुने का फुल
36.Delonix Regia flowerDelonix Regiaगुलमोहर
37.Night Flowering Jasmine flowerNight Flowering Jasmineहरसिंगार
38.Hiptage flowerHiptageमाधवी पुष्प
39.Murraya flowerMurrayaकामिनी
40.Narcissus flowerNarcissusनर्गिस
41.Pandanus flowerPandanusकेवड़ा
42.Sweet VioletSweet Violetबनफशा का फूल
43.poppy flowerPoppy Flowerखसखस
44.Grand Crinum Lily flowerGrand Crinum Lilyनागदमनी
45.Mexican Prickly PoppyPrickly Pearनागफनी
46.Creeper FlowerCreeperमधु मालती
47.StramoniumStramoniumसफ़ेद धतुरा
48.Hollyhock FlowerHollyhockगुलखैरा
49.Dahlia FlowerDahliaडेहलिया
50.Lady’s slipper orchidLady’s slipper orchidआर्किड फूल
51.Foxtail OrchidFoxtail Orchidद्रौपदी माला
52.Pansy flowerPansyबनफूल
53.Blue Star flowerBluestar Flowerअसोनिया
54.Butea Monosperma flowerButea Monospermaपलाश के फुल
55.Primrose FlowerPrimroseबसन्ती गुलाब
56.Purple Passion FlowerPurple Passionझुमका लता
57.Indian Tulip FlowerIndian Tulipपारस पीपल
58.Zombi Pea flowerZombi Peaजंगली मूंग
59.Siroi LilyMillingtonia Hortensisनीम चमेली
60.Orchid flowerOrchidऑर्किड
61.Blue Star flowerStar Gloryकामलता फूल
62.indigo flowerIndigo Flowerनील फूल
63.Lilac flowerLilacबकाइन
64.Queen Crape MyrtleQueen Crape Myrtleजरुल
65.Blue Morning GloryBlue Morning Gloryप्रातः श्री
66.Blue Morning GloryPicotee Blue Morning Gloryपॉटोटी ब्लू मॉर्निंग ग्लोरी
67.Tanner’s CassiaTanner’s Cassiaतरवड़
69.Glory LilyGlory Lilyबचनाग
70.Brahma KamalBrahma Kamalब्रह्मकमल
71.Burr MallowBurr Mallowबिचता
72.Blue Fountain BushBlue Fountain Bushभरंगी
73.Burmann’s SundewBurmann’s Sundewमुखजली
74.Spanish CherrySpanish Cherryमौलश्री का पुष्प
75.Ixora Coccinea Ixora Coccineaरुग्मिनी
76.Mountain LaurelMountain Laurelमाउंटेन लॉरेल
77.Mexican TuberoseMexican Tuberoseरजनीगन्धा
78.Common LantanaCommon Lantanaराईमुनिया
80.CockscombCockscombलाल मुर्ग़ा
81.Mexican Prickly PoppyMexican Prickly Poppyसत्यानाशी
82.Showy RattlepodShowy Rattlepodसन्नी
83.Crown Crownसफ़ैद आक
84.Canna LilyCanna Lilyसर्वज्जय
85.Common Crape MyrtleCommon Crape Myrtleसावनी
86.Siroi LilySiroi Lilyसिरोय कुमुदिनी
87.Ashok FlowerAshok Flowerसीता अशोक
88.Golden FrangipaniGolden Frangipaniसोन चम्पा
89.Monsoon lilyMonsoon lilyसफ़ेद मुस्ली
90.Orange Tiger LilyOrange Tiger Lilyनारंगी बाघ लिली
91.Blood LilyBlood Lilyरक्त लिली
92.Asiatic LilyAsiatic Lilyलिलि
93.Ranunculus FlowerRanunculus Flowerरनंगक्यलस फूल
94.Hypericum flowerHypericum flowerहाइपेरिकम फूल
95.Columbine FlowerColumbine Flowerकालंबिन फूल
96.Mirabilis JalapaMirabilis Jalapaमिराबिलिस जालपा
97.Anemone FlowerAnemone Flowerरत्नज्योति फूल
99.tuberose Flowertuberose Flowerकंद फूल
100.bluebell flower bluebell flowerनीला फूल

Flowers Name List PDF

List of 100+ Flowers name PDF in Hindi & English List Pdf 100+ Phoolon ke Naam with images in table format download in one click on download button this pdf created and made by us.

10 Flowers Name

10 easy to pronounce name list rose, lotus, jasmine, sunflower, daisy, tulip, magnolia, lavender, balsam & flax top Hindi & English name.

10 Flowers Name

Scientific Name Of Flowers

LotusकमलNelumbo nucifera
Jasmineचमेली Jasminum
DaisyगुलबहारBellis perennis
Tulipकन्द पुष्पTulipa
Magnoliaचम्पाMagnolia grandiflora
Lavenderलैवेंडर Lavandula
Balsamगुल मेहँदीImpatiens
FlaxपटसनLinum usitatissimum
Butterfly PeaअपराजिताClitoria ternatea
Golden ShowerअमलतासCassia fistula
Forest Ghostआँकुरी बाँकुरीAeginetia indica
Yellow Marigoldगेंदे का फूलTagetes
Pot Marigoldगुले अशर्फ़ीCalendula officinalis
Star Jasmineकुंद पुष्पTrachelospermum jasminoides
Night Blooming Jasmineरात की रानीCestrum nocturnum
Primroseबसन्ती गुलाबPrimula vulgaris
Crape Jasmineचांदनी फूलTabernaemontana divaricata
Common White Frangipaniगुलैन्चीPlumeria rubra
Hibiscusगुड़हल का फूलrosa-sinensis
Peacock Flowerगुलेतूरा फूलCaesalpinia pulcherrima
Zombi Peaजंगली मूंगVigna vexillata
Scarlet Milkweedकाकतुण्डीAsclepias curassavica
Black Turmericकाली हल्दीCurcuma caesia
Cobra Saffronनाग चम्पाmesua ferrea
Yellow Oleanderपीला कनेरCascabela thevetia
PeriwinkleसदाबहारCatharanthus roseus
Puncture VineगोखरूTribulus terrestris
Blue Water LilyनीलकमलNymphaea caerulea
Aloe Vera Flowerघृत कुमारीAloe barbadensis miller
ShameplantछूईमूईMimosa pudica
Chamomileबबुने का फुलMatricaria chamomilla
Delonix Regiaगुलमोहरroyal poinciana
Hiptageमाधवी पुष्पbenghalensis
MurrayaकामिनीMurraya paniculata
Pandanusकेवड़ाPandanus tectorius
Sweet Violetबनफशा का फूलViola odorata
Poppy FlowerखसखसPapaver
Grand Crinum LilyनागदमनीCrinum asiaticum
Prickly PearनागफनीOpuntia
Stramoniumसफ़ेद धतुराDatura stramonium
DahliaडेहलियाAlcea rosea
Foxtail Orchidद्रौपदी मालाRhynchostylis
PansyबनफूलViola tricolor var. hortensis
Bluestar FlowerअसोनियाAmsonia

Youtube Video on Flowers

Question & Answer

How many flowers name

100+ flowers name.

What are 10 flowers?

10 Flowers name are here.

What are the names of flowers?

In the above table given help to find Name in Hindi and English.

Who is Flower Queen?

Rose is Flower Queen.

What are some pretty flower names?

These are some pretty flowers like ANEMONE, AMARYLLIS, CHRYSANTHEMUM, DAISY, ORCHID Etc.

What is the English name of the Kaner flower?

The English name of the Kaner flower is called Nerium oleander.

What is the name of our national flower?

The name of the national flower is Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn (Lotus).

Name two plants whose flowers are eaten as vegetables?

Broccoli & Cauliflower flowers are eaten as vegetables.

Name two flowers which are eaten as food

Hibiscus & Rose are flowers that are eaten as food

red rose flower


Scientific Name: Rosa

The scientific name comes from the Latin rosa. Uses of red roses many uses like rose water used for natural fragrance, medicine, it is also used for an ornament for god and many benefits of rose.

lotus flower


Scientific Name: Nelumbo nucifera

This flower is generally found in Asia. Lotus is the national flower of India. This is also used in medicine, stopping bleeding blood, seeds of the lotus are used for digestive tract disorders, etc.



Scientific Name: Helianthus

The scientific name of sunflower is helianthus. All flower is beautiful, but the sunflower is mainly the beauty of the flower. These flowers are also used in medicine, deodorant of sunflower fragrance, etc.

jasmine flower


Scientific Name:  Jasminum

The scientific name of Jasmine is Jasminum is also used in medicine for liver disease problems like hepatitis, and cancer treatment is also helpful. In tea, jasmine is also using many other medicines.

daisy flower


Scientific Name:  Bellis perennis

The scientific name of Daisy is Bellis perennis. Used it is to make a medicinal tea. People take wild daisy tea for coughs, bronchitis, liver and kidneys disorders, swelling (inflammation), etc. use daisy flowers.


Flowers name in Hindi and English with a 100+ Phoolon ke Naam in a table format, youtube video, ten accessible flower name & PDF of the name is also provided, other Questions & Answer all Answered are Provide. Thanks for coming to our site. If you want any improvement, comment below that we improve according to your requirements.

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