- Counting Numbers (Orally & Practically using daily life things)
- In english
- In hindi
- Shapes (आकार - Shape)
- Comparing
- Are there enough?
- Compare groups (fewer or more)
- Fewer and more – compare by counting
- Compare in a mixed group
- Are there enough?
- Compare groups (fewer or more)
- Fewer and more – compare by counting
- Compare in a mixed group
- Positions
- Big and Small
- Long and Short
- Tall and Short
- Light and Heavy
- Full and Empty
- Thick and Thin 🎦
- Wide and Narrow
- Quantity
- Money
- Big and Small
- Long and Short
- Tall and Short
- Light and Heavy
- Full and Empty
- Thick and Thin 🎦
- Wide and Narrow
- Coin values
- Coin values
English - Pre-writing Strokes
- Standing line
- Sleeping line
- Slanting line
- Left Slanting line
- Right Slanting line
- Curve
- Left Curve
- Right Curve
- Up Curve
- Down Curve
- Capital Letter (English Alphabet A to Z)
- Identification
- Writing
- Objects related to each letter
- Small Letter (English Alphabet a to z)
- Identification
- Writing
- Objects related to each letter
- Matching capital and small
- Identifying Vowels and Consonants
- Phonic Drill
- Vowel words
- Rhyming words to improve listening skills
- Phonetics
- Sound of letters
- Objects related to letters
- Vowels and Consonants
- Vowel words
- Article a/an
- This - That & These – those
- One - Many
- Positions
- Rhyming words
- Use of Genie boards, flashcards, oral interaction, written work, worksheets, rhymes, storytelling and enactment.
- हिंदी वर्णमाला (स्वर और व्यंजन) (object related)
- लिखना
- कविता (Text)
- कविता (Video)
- कहानियां
- बारहखरी - Barahkhari
About Myself
- Myself
- My Body Parts (मानव शरीर के बाहरी अंग - Human Body External Body Parts) 🎦
- My Family
- My Birthday
- My Home
- My School
- Safety
- At home
- On the road
- At the Playground
- जानवर - Animal 🎦
- पक्षी - Birds 🎦
- समुद्री जीव जंतु - Sea Creature 🎦
- सरीसृप - Reptile 🎦
- उभयचर - Ambhibian
- कीड़े - Insects 🎦
- फल - Fruit
- फूल - Flower 🎦
- सब्जी - Vegetables
- अनाज और मसाले - Cereal & Spices 🎦
- खाना और पीना - Food & Drink. 🎦
- घरेलू उपकरण, औजार और सामान - Home Appliances, Tools & Goods 🎦
- लेखन सामग्री - stationery
- पहनावा - Fashion 🎦
- खेल और खेलने की वस्तुएं - Sports & Sport's items 🎦
- वाहन - Vehicles 🎦 (For transportion - यातायात के लिए)
- पेशा - Profession 🎦 (People helps around us)
- अच्छी आदतें एवं आचरण - Good Habits & Manners 🎦
- धर्म और त्योहार - Religion & Festival 🎦
1) Letters
- Identification
- Sound of letters
- Objects related to letters
- Vowels and Consonants
- Vowel words
- Article a/an
- This -That & These – those
- One – Many
- Positions
- Rhyming words
2) Reading words and sentences aloud. Children should interact in social conversations.
3) Children must use genie board, flashcards, oral interaction, written work, worksheets, storytelling, and enactment to explore their creativity.
4) Making sentences with certain words or structures, picture composition, and use of ‘in’, ‘on’ and ‘under’ in sentences.
5) Revision of the English language basics.
1) Pre Maths Concepts
- Same – Different
- Big – Small
- Tall – Short
- More – Less
- Heavy – Light
- Full – Empty
- In – Out
- Thick – Thin 🎦
- Right – Left
- Front – Back
- Top – Bottom
2) Numbers (1-200)
- Writing
- Count and write, colour and match
- Before, After, Between number (1-100)
- Forward and Backward counting (1-50)
- Number names (1-50)
- Skip counting 2 & 5
- Picture Addition
- 1 digit addition
- Picture Subtraction
- 1 Digit Subtraction
- Time
- Money
- Simple addition & subtraction using objects
- Putting signs like ‘>’, ‘<’ and ‘=’
- Addition and subtraction without objects or pictures
3) Shapes (आकार - Shape)
- Circle
- Square
- Rectangle
- Triangle
- Semi-Circle
- Oval
- Diamond
4) Colours
- Red, Yellow, Blue (Shades: Light & Dark)
- Orange, Green, Purple (Shades: Light & Dark)
- Black, White, Pink (Shades: Light & Dark)
General Awareness
1) Myself
- Parts of body (मानव शरीर के बाहरी अंग - Human Body External Body Parts) 🎦
- Sense organs
- My Home
- My Family
- My School
2) Seasons
- Summer
- Rainy
- Winter
3) Transport (वाहन - Vehicles) (For transportion - यातायात के लिए) 🎦
- Land
- Water
- Air
4) Animals (जानवर - Animal)
- Wild
- Domestic
- Pet
- Farm
- Water
- Animals and their sounds
- Animals and their young ones (Name of baby of different animals, birds & others)
Environmental Science
1) Knowledge of different types of transport
2) A visit to a police station or post office
3) Introduction to traffic rules and safety
4) Project on collecting a few living and non-living things
5) Introduction to air, water and sound pollution