What is HIV?
HIV originated in non-human primates and eventually spread to humans over the aeons. Even though the disease had been around for a long time, it was clinically diagnosed in the 1980s. Ever since then, it has spread all over the world, killing over 25 million people till date.
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. It wreaks havoc on the body’s immunity system until it is incapable of fending off infections on its own. It is a retrovirus and has RNA as the genetic material.
The HIV infection spreads through the following ways
- Unprotected sexual interaction with an already infected person.
- Reusing needles used by an infected person.
- From an infected mother to the baby through the placenta.
- Blood transfusion from an infected person.
HIV demolishes a particular type of WBC (White Blood Cells) and the T-helper cells. This virus also makes copies of itself inside these cells. T-helper cells are also known as CD4 cells.
Types of HIV
The two major types of HIV strains are –
HIV-1: The most common type of virus found worldwide.
- Group M – ‘M’ stands for ‘Major’, which implies that 90% of HIV AIDS all over the world are caused by this group of HIV. There are 11 sub-types (A to K) of viruses found in this group.
- Group N – ‘N’ stands for “non-M, non-O”. As per the data found until 2006, only 10 Group N infections had been identified.
- Group O – ‘O’ implies ‘Outlier’ group of HIV. This virus is not usually seen outside of West-central Africa.
- Group P – This type of virus is recently diagnosed in 2009. There’s only one case of the group-P virus found till now. This is because the virus primarily affected only simians (apes and monkeys). But a strain of this virus was isolated from a Cameroonian woman.
HIV-2: This is found primarily in Western Africa, with some cases in India and Europe. There are 8 known HIV-2 groups (A to H). HIV-2 is closely related to simian immunodeficiency virus endemic in a monkey species (sooty mangabeys).