Physics Symbols of Physical Quantity

Physics Symbols

In Physics, various symbols or notations are used to denote different quantities. The denotations make the representation of the quantities easier. In this article, some of the most popular physics symbols are mentioned.

It is interesting to note that some physics symbols are very relatable (like “d” for distance) while some are unrelatable (like “c” for the speed of light). Below is an elaborate list of the most commonly used symbols in physics with their SI units. It should be noted that a particular symbol might relate to more than one quantity.

Physics Symbols for Some Basic Quantities:

Physical QuantitySymbol(s)Symbol NameScalar/ VectorSI Unit
MassmScalarKilogram (Kg)
TimetScalarSeconds (s)
Distance, Lengthl, d, rScalarMeter (m)
TemperatureTScalarKelvin (K)
Frequencyf, vScalarHertz (Hz)
HeatQVectorJoule (J)
Specific Heat CapacitycScalarJ kg−1 K−1
WavelengthλlambdaScalarmeter (m)
Angular DisplacementθthetaScalarRadian (rad)
Speed of light & soundcScalarm/s
Angular frequencyωomegaPseudovectorRadian per second (rad/s)

Physics symbols in Mechanics:

Physical QuantitySymbol(s)Symbol NameScalar/ VectorSI Unit
AccelerationaVectormeters per second squared (m/s2)
Angular accelerationαalphaVectorradian per second squared (rad/s2)
PeriodTScalarS or sec
ForceFVectorNewton (N)
PowerPScalarWatt (W)
Mechanical WorkWScalarJoule (J)
EnergyEScalarJoule (J)
PressurepScalarPascal (Pa)
Moment of InertiaIScalarkg m2
Angular MomentumLVectorkg⋅m2s-1
FrictionfVectorNewton (N)
Coefficient of FrictionµmuScalarunitless
Kinetic EnergyKScalarJoule (J)
Potential EnergyUScalarJoule (J)

Physics Symbols in Electricity & Magnetism:

Physical QuantitySymbol(s)Symbol NameScalar/ VectorSI Unit
Chargeq, QscalarCoulomb (C)
CurrentIscalarAmpere (A)
ResistanceRscalarOhms (Ω)
InductanceLscalarHenry (H)
CapacitanceCscalarFarad (F)
Electric Potential DifferenceVscalarVolt (V)
Electric FieldEvectorNewton per coulomb (N C-1)
Magnetic FieldBscalarTesla

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