
  • Amplitude of sound

  • The amplitude of the sound is the magnitude of the maximum disturbance in a sound wave. The amplitude is also a measure of energy. Higher the amplitude higher the energy in a sound wave.Humans can hear a limited range of frequencies of sound. Physicists have identified the audio frequency spectrum of the human ear to be between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. Under ideal laboratory conditions, the human ear can detect frequencies that are as low as 12 Hz and as high as 20,000 Hz. 

    Frequency of Sound

    What is Amplitude of Sound?

    The amplitude of a sound wave is the measure of the height of the wave. The amplitude of a sound wave can be defined as the loudness or the amount of maximum displacement of vibrating particles of the medium from their mean position when the sound is produced. It is the distance between the crest or trough and the mean position of the wave.

    Amplitude of sound

    Loudness is directly proportional to the amplitude of the sound. If the amplitude of a sound wave is large, then the loudness of the sound will be more. If the amplitude is small, then the sound will be feeble.

    Amplitude of sound

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