Population Growth and Processes of Population Change


Population Growth and Processes of Population Change

The numbers, distribution and composition of the population are constantly changing. This is the influence of the interaction of the three processes:

  1. Birth
  2. Death
  3. Migration

Population Growth

Growth of population refers to the change in the number of inhabitants of a country/territory during a specific period of time. This change can be expressed in 2 ways:

  1. In terms of absolute numbers: The absolute numbers are obtained by subtracting the earlier population (e.g. that of 2001) from the later population (e.g. that of 2011).
  2. In terms of percentage change per year: It is studied in percent per annum, e.g. a rate of increase of 2 per cent per annum means that in a given year, there was an increase of two persons for every 100 persons in the base population. This is referred to as the annual growth rate.

Processes of Population Change/Growth

Three main processes of change of population are:

1) Birth rates: The birth rate is the number of live births per thousand persons in a year. In India, birth rates have always been higher than death rates.

2) Death rates: The death rate is the number of deaths per thousand persons in a year.

3) Migration: Migration is the movement of people across regions and territories. Migration can be internal (within the country) or international (between the countries). It influences the distribution of the population within the nation. In India, rural-urban migration has resulted in a steady increase in the percentage of the population in cities and towns.

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