Sources of Water Pollution


Sources of Water Pollution

The term water pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies, typically due to human activity, which negatively impacts the quality of water. Lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers, reservoirs, and groundwater are all examples of bodies of water.

Sewage (Waste Water)

  • Sewage water is contaminated with pathogens, a common water contaminant, other dangerous microorganisms, and chemicals that can lead to severe illnesses.
  • Farmers employ chemical fertilizers and pesticides to protect their crops from bugs and bacteria, which results in agricultural pollution.
  • However, when these substances are combined with water, they create dangerous toxins damaging to plants and animals.

Industrial Garbage

  • Businesses produce a lot of waste containing harmful chemicals and pollutants, which pollute the air and harm our environment and ourselves.
  • A significant volume of oil leaks into the ocean that doesn’t disperse poses a severe hazard to marine life.

Use of fossil fuels for energy

  • When burned, fossil fuels like coal and oil release a significant amount of ash into the sky.
  • Acid rain is the outcome of harmful chemical-containing particles combined with water vapor.
  • Paper, plastic, food waste, aluminum, rubber, and glass are among the home waste materials collected and dumped into rivers and the sea, polluting the water and harming aquatic life.

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